Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Summer Classes!

School's out!  Keep those kids busy and active with Zumba Kids!

Here are the classes for summer:

At the Whitmore Library (classes start June 9):

Mondays at 10:30am -- Zumba Kids Jr. (ages 6 and under)
Mondays at 11:15am -- Zumba Kids (ages 6 and up)
Mondays at 2:00pm -- Zumba Kids Jr. (ages 6 and under)

At Studio 900 Fitness (classes start June 23):

Mondays at 4:30pm -- Zumba Kids Jr. (ages 4-6)
Mondays at 5:15pm -- Zumba Kids (ages 7-12)

Please email me if you have any questions at  More information to be posted very soon!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Holiday Zumba Kids Party

Join us for a special Holiday Zumba Kids at the Whitmore Library!!

Tuesday, December 174:30pm

Whitmore Library
2197 Fort Union Boulevard

We'll be rockin' around the Christmas Tree with a special seasonal Zumba Kids class!  Everyone is invitied for the fun!  Questions, email Anna at or call 801-944-7539.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Zumba Kids Glow Party

It's been a LONG, LONG time since I've posted . . . . and there is so much to update about Zumba Kids!   First is that Zumba has launched two brand new kid's fitness programs called, Zumba Kids and Zumba Kids Jr.  No more crazy ZumbAtomic name -- HOORAY for that!

To celebrate the launch of the new program and the start of a Fall Session of Zumba Kids at GymJam Fitness &  Dance in Holladay (2408 E. Kentucky Ave.), we will be having a Kid's GLOW Party! Mark your calendars for Friday, September 6 at 6:30pm. We'll have the black lights on, disco lights flashing, and glow sticks for everyone -- it'll be a flourescently, fabulous time. And the best part is that it is FREE with a food donation to the Utah Food Bank. Spread the word to all your friends, family and neighbors -- we will have a BLAST!  Movin', groovin' and doing community service!  For more information, visit

I cannot wait to introduce this new program and to dance with everyone!

Zumba love,

Friday, July 27, 2012

Stay Tuned for New Classes

Summer classes are coming to a close, and I am excited to be setting out on a new adventure. I'll be changing locations this fall and teaching ZumbAtomic at Studio Cove Fitness in the Olympus Cove Shopping Center on Wasatch Boulevard I'm excited to make this change and look forward to being at a new gym! I'll also be continuing with classes at the Whitmore Library because I've turned our library patrons into Zumba Fanatics! Sign up to follow this blog, or just check in now and again, and you'll stay in touch with what is going on with ZumbAtomic with Anna in Salt Lake. Thanks! I look forward to dancing with you soon!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

From Women's Health Magazine: Weight Loss Tips That Don't Suck -- Tip #5

Lose Weight, Not Your Lifestyle
Click here for the entire article at

Watching your waistline doesn't mean you have to become a recluse who spends every spare moment on the elliptical machine. In fact, an all-or-nothing approach is counterproductive. "Many women make changes they'll never be able to stick with—like eating nothing but raw food or vowing to go for a run at 5 a.m. every day—and set themselves up for failure," says Hensrud. "Total deprivation doesn't work."

He advocates skipping extreme regimens in favor of small changes. When he asked a group of overweight study subjects to make several small lifestyle shifts—such as eating breakfast, having as many veggies as they'd like with each meal, and watching TV for only as long as they'd exercised that day—they dropped an average of eight pounds in two weeks. "When you combine a bunch of little strategies, the cumulative effect can be huge, and you won't feel as if you've given up your entire life to be slim."

Friday, March 9, 2012

From Women's Health Magazine: Weight Loss Tips That Don't Suck -- Tip #4

Lose Weight, Not Muscle
Click here for the entire article at

If you drop weight without lifting any, you risk shedding muscle tissue instead of fat. Muscle takes more than twice as many calories to maintain, and it keeps your metabolism revving at peak calorie-burning speed, so it's important to hang on to it, says Donald Hensrud, M.D., an associate professor of preventive medicine and nutrition at the College of Medicine at the Mayo Clinic.

Your best strategy is to eat lots of protein and strength train for 20 to 30 minutes two or three times a week. Protein will fuel those workouts and help you maintain lean muscle, says Hensrud. Eat at least three or four servings of two to three ounces of protein-rich beans, soy, fish, lean meat, poultry, or low-fat dairy every day.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

From Women's Health Magazine: Weight Loss Tips That Don't Suck -- Tip #3

Lose Weight, Not Time
For the entire article on, click here.

In a recent study, 41 percent of women cited "not enough time" as the reason they don't eat better. Spending just an hour or two on the weekend shopping for a week's worth of healthy meals and getting a jump-start on the prep work (cutting veggies, making marinades) will save you time and pounds in the long run. A survey by the CDC found that almost 40 percent of people who lost a significant amount of weight and kept it off planned their weekly meals.

"When you don't map out your meals, you're too tempted to grab whatever's nearby, which is often high-calorie junk," says Elizabeth Ricanati, M.D., founding medical director of the Lifestyle 180 Program at the Cleveland Clinic.